wwbd – Get your groove on!

Archive for April, 2005

Friday is my day

April 15, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Happy friday!

Tonight’s plan of action: Party at the Blue Dolphin!

It’s Pigman’s 54th annual birthday bash. We’re all meeting at the Blue Dolphin Tavern after work to drink, make fun of each other, and have a general good time. Pigman will post pictures on his site after the fact (I’ll be the goofy looking nerd in the tangerine shirt).

*EDIT* the pics from the party are here.

Other stuff:
We’re dropping the Durango off to get some more repairs done. The front end is pretty lose (damn ball joints) but our ’99 isn’t covered under the recall (only ’00 and newer were), so we have to pay for this ourselves. They’re also replacing the tie-rods (one of which we had done in January of ’04… but it’s already shot). Hopefully, this will fix it and stop the damn thing from eating the other parts.

And finally:
The survey results are in and it’s official: I’m one sexy bitch.

Helpful Driving Hits from WWBD

April 13, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Modern vehicles are a delight to drive.

They come with all the conveniences, tons of safety features, and are far more comfortable than walking to the damn store in the rain.

One of the unique features a car comes with is something called a “turn signal”. This marvel of automotive design is often overlooked by the vast majority of drivers in the Spokane, Washington area, so I thought I’d jot down a few notes on it’s use for you.

There is a lever located on the left hand side of the steering wheel (photo A). Pressing this lever down will activate the turn signal on the left hand side of the car. Pressing the lever up will activate the signals on the right hand side of the car.

Photo A
This isn't rocket science.

You do this procedure when you would like to turn your car either right or left. It signals the other vehicles that you are about to change the direction of the 2 tons of metal you’re hurling down the road in. This gives them a chance to know your intentions and a chance to not attempt to fuse their vehicle into the side of yours.

A note: While using your turn signal is the appropriate way to show intent and a polite thing to do, using it excessively is not better. Driving down the road with your turn signal blinking for 4 miles doesn’t show intent, only your intelligence (which gets lower with each revolution of your tires). If you find that you have turned a corner and your turn signal is still blinking (as indicated by the dash lights), simply move the lever into the center position to cancel it.

I hope you’ve found this public service announcement helpful. Next time, we’ll talk about what those little footy things under the dash on the drivers side, what they’re for, and when to press them.

It's a happy thing.

Are they friggin’ nuts?!?

April 13, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Michigan Congressman Fred Upton is trying to ammend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to change DST.

Another daylight saving time debate made its way to Washington.

Michigan Congressman Fred Upton introduced legislation to extend daylight saving time as part of the Energy Policy Act.

Currently, daylight saving time begins in the United States on the first Sunday in April and ends on the last Sunday in October.

Rep. Upton says extending daylight saving time “makes sense” especially with “skyrocketing energy costs”.

Under Upton’s amendment, it would begin in March and end in November.

Yeah… it would also fubar every computer, router, and firewall in my NOC.

Sure, given time, man hours, cash, and enough patches and firmware updates, everything would be spiffy again. That is, of course, only if the hardware and software mfgr’s write an update (we have some older equipment in use… most of it would have to be replaced).

Monumental bad idea, kids. Don’t do it.

Game on!

April 11, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Ok… for all you forum junkies out there… the BRHF is back… mostly.

I’ve taken creative license and moved a few threads into the old “Barbershop Politics” forum, then burried that forum under a few tons of concrete. It’s thill there, just not accessable.

If you want to run amock in the murky waters that are politics and religion, then I suggest you try my other forum, shitdanish (it’s un-moderated, non-administered, and un-loved). I don’t even have an account there. You can bash each other into mush there all you like.

As for the BRHF, I’m hoping that it goes back to the way it was prior to the last election: a fun place to hang out and goof off.

For those who are following along

April 10, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Our auto purchase idea has been placed on hold.

We’ve decided instead to replace the front end of the Durango (since our ’99 didn’t fall under the recall for the faulty ball joints, even though we have them). We’re also going to pay off my bike.

After my bike is paid off, that’s extra money to throw at the Durango, so we should pay it off early next year. Then we’ll focus that cash on her bike. When it’s gone, we’ll attack the credit cards (we don’t care about my car payments… I have a 60 month 0% interest loan… gotta love that!!).

Sure… I know what you’re thinking… “you’ll never focus that cash… you’ll just blow it on beer and stuff”. Well then, my little doubting Thomas, you’ve obviously never met my wife. When a decision is made, it’s cut in stone. That’s the way it’s gonna happen.

Other news:
I rode my motorcycle today for the first time since my last back surgery! Ok… I only rode it for 3 miles to Jess’s house, got off and watched him make beer for an hour, then rode it the same 3 miles back, but damn it… I RODE!!!